Collaborating Author, Biswajit Chatterjee and Ruma Bhattacharyya, “Productivity Growth And Use Of Modern Farm Inputs In West Bengal”, Growth, Distribution And Public Policy—A Study Of West Bengal, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd., (2007), New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-8450-018-9 |
“Regional Disparity in Productivity of Boro and Aman Paddied in Six Districts”, Ruma Bhattacharyya and Biswajit Chatterjee, Regional Disparities in Development --- Raj Kumar Sen and Biswajit Chatterjee ed, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 2011, ISBN 978-81-8450-364-7 |
“ Nature And Extent, Problems And Prospects Of Floriculture – An Integrated Study Of Flower Production In The State Of West Bengal”, Ruma Bhattacharyya, National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development, 2012 |
“Economics of Floriculture”, Ruma Bhattacharyya, SSDN Publishers & Distributors, Daryaganj, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-93-8117-692-4 |
“Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness: A Case Study for India In Horticulture Products”, Ruma Bhattacharyya, Agriculture, Sustainable Development And Microfinance – Essays in Honour of Profesor Biswajit Chatterjee, --- Ambar Nath Ghosh & Asim Karmakar edited, Regal Publications, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN 978-81-8484-453-5 |
"India's Engagement with Environment: Its Policies and Programmes", Ruma Bhattacharyya, Contemporary Environmental Issues and Perspective, Ruma Bhattacharyya, Papiya Ghosh and Debjani Mitra edited, Readers Service, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-82623-85 |
"An Introspective Study on the Governance Practices of Major Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in India", Amit Mazumdar and Ruma Bhattacharyya, Microfinance and its Impact on Entrepreneurial Development, Sustainability and Inclusive Growth, Ramesh Chandra Das edited, IGI Global, USA, 2018, ISBN 978-15-22552-130 |